
Condolences to the Family of Peter Bernard Manzo


I pray every day you are finally at peace. This earth was not fair or kind ❤

Patti White

sooo upset about this as i’m sure everyone is. peter and i were close at diffrent stages of our lives and i loved all our time honestly. high school i even wrote about him in my yearbook. i remember watching tv with his family then talking forever in my car before i drove home which thankfully was only a couple of streets away cuz 6 am came fast to get up for school in the morning after saying goodbye at 1 or 2😫 when my son and 1 of peters sons got together in 2008 we all spent the day as if we all had known each other forever. our boys wer only 3 or 4. so well-behaved that peter & i cooked & and caught up never heard a peep from the kids. they played & watched tv but sadly never saw each other again. more years went by & i heard from peter who sent a beautiful message to my surprise. i of course flew over to spend time with him. it turned into again & again constantly catching up on our lives/filling in the blanks. we would goof off and pretend feed his ceramic dog, listen to music, obsess about yankee candles, order take-out, and go out for yummy meals & drinks (doing a toast every time of course! our tradition.) this year has been tough if we ever focused too much on his health and what life looked at down the line but thankfully we wud be distracted easily by silly trips to cvs or the christmas tree shop. we were store freaks! :) we took silly videos of ourselves , lotsa selfies, and sure laughed a TON. our greatest loves were our kids and looking at them & talking about them was definitely a highlight of our lives. i never minded the 45 minute drive to his place and sometimes brought my real dog so his fake ceramic one cud hav a friend (lol). all these things will be forever in my heart & i’ll always wonder where life wud have gone being back in touch after losing so many years. i’m sending love to the family even though it’s been forever & im probly not remembered which is fine but just kno he was loved and cared for very much i wud go there to b with him whenever i could. a special thank you to his nephew michael for being in touch while i was at the apt, if i was ever at home & had a question, and even the other day to hear the awful news. this is a tough loss. peter is someone who taught me i cud laugh after my father died & i didn’t think that or even smiling was possible. i apologize this is long but once my heart starts talkin…(😢). thots and im sorry’s to peters family & everyone else who loved him. he was most definitely one of the best ppl i’ve known xo

angela lisa denapoli