
Condolences to the Family of Loretta A. Wallace


Loretta was a lovely person inside and out. She had a kind, gentle way and a warm smile for everyone. I have fond memories of our family visits. May you Rest In Peace, dear cousin. My love and condolences to Shirley, Bobby, Ann Marie and families. Linda

Linda Allen

Loretta was a beautiful woman inside and out. She was my prayer warrior, and for that I was blessed. We will miss you and remember all those Christmas Eves we had so many laughs. Loretta, you will be missed We love you, and you will live in our hearts forever. ❤️❤️

Mary Ann and Danny Kelly

How could there be so many Angels in one family? Love and prayers to Loretta and Ann Marie and all of the Wallace Family. Joe


I will always remember my dearest Auntie. One of the sweetest ladies I've ever known. She was completely selfless in anything she did in life. Always doing for others with the most generous of hearts. A beautiful lady who I cherished as my Aunt. Her love for vacationing on Skatutakee Lake in Harrisville, NH and in NYC at the best of Hotels, Restaurants, and Broadway presentations shows how easy it was to make her happy with Family on the lake and her great appreciation for the finer things in life. As I think of a possible regret it would be that she never flew to Ireland to see her Fathers roots and other beautiful landmarks while there. Giving my Aunt a kiss and a hug then telling her I love her will be something I'll truly miss. However, knowing she had a first class ticket to Heaven and is now in the arms of her Mom and Dad brings great solace to my heart and the same warmth my Auntie brought to me every moment I spent with her. May the good Lord ease the pain of losing such a woman as Loretta A. Wallace in all who loved her. Especially her sisters and brother (my Mom, Aunt Ann Marie, and Uncle Bob) !! On a special request dear Lord, watch over my Aunt Ann Marie who cared for Auntie so closely through her final years. Let her know the peace that is Auntie's Salvation in Heaven. May you rest in Peace Auntie, and know throughout Eternity how much you were/are loved !! Love you always, your nephew Ralphie

Ralph Joseph Larkin Jr.