
Condolences to the Family of Diane S. Coe


Dear Cousins, I am so very sorry to learn of your beloved Mother's passing. I had no idea until an hour ago. She was a very special person who always welcomed everyone with open arms and kind words. You will be kept in my prayers as you mourn her loss. Oh how our heavenly family grows.............She now enriches the presence of those gone before. God Bless you all and may she now have eternal rest. In Love and Deepest Sympathy, Barbara Hajjar- Niles

Barbara Hajjar-Niles

Arthur, I am so very sorry for the loss of your mum. I know how special a mothers love is, it often swells the heart beyond its fragile capacity. Her profile mentioned her profound faith in God. This should give you a wonderful assurance that your mother is safe and happy. She went to mass to pray to God, to prove her love and faith to him thus promising herself at seat by his side. Please send my condolences to Ken as well. I shall pray for your family, that they may find peace with the passing of your mum. All of my love, Leslie Giovanucci Hedberg

Leslie Giovanucci Hedberg